Benny is excited to offer the option of hiring a Baby Grand Piano Shell available in black or white.

This lightweight and easily transportable piano will bring style and prestige to any occasion, giving your event the ‘wow’ factor.

The Dutchgrand baby grand piano is the first of it’s kind in Australia where the legs of the piano shell, fold and lock into the body of the piano all in one. It is visually stunning with a beautiful, gloss finish empty baby grand piano cabinet

The piano shell can be hired for less than a third of the price of hiring a real grand piano . Your ears and eyes will be amazed!

What are the measurements of the Piano Shell?

Piano Shell Dimensions

It is lightweight with folding legs and can be assembled in less than 5 minutes and will fit into small spaces. It requires only a little more space than a digital keyboard in that it’s one metre in depth.

Is there a keyboard supplied with the piano shell?

Yes! The piano shell also comes with a Roland FP30x digital stage piano sampling some of the best concert grand pianos or you can provide your piano keyboard if preferred (refer to inside width (A) dimensions above)

The keyboard has a built in stereo system it can be connected to venue’s PA or if no PA available external speakers can be provided (Bose S1 Pro or Yamaga StagePas – no additional cost)

What is the hire pricing of the piano shell?

The baby grand piano shell with supplied piano keyboard can be hired from $750 (including delivery within Metro Melbourne) or from $400 (if Benny is performing at your event)

Additional delivery fees apply if travel more than 40km/1 hour out of Melbourne. No extra charge if require external PA system (Yamaha Stagepas or Bose S1 Pro)

Customised quotes available for longer term hire. A 20% deposit is required to secure hiring of piano and balance 7 days prior to event.

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